Why did I make my field round? It looks spacious from inside and makes me feel cozy.

Fields are usually square, but my field is round and looks like below.

round field

People who visit here sometimes ask why I made it round, but I didn't have particular reasons. When I started to make ridges with my shovel, I intuitively felt it should be round. I also had a thought that I wanted to create something that cannot be made with power machinery (I don't use tractors or cultivators).

I heard that people who practice permaculture make round fields, but I didn't know that when I started making this field.

In hindsight, I found I was right to make it round for the reasons below.
  • It feels easier to move when I cut grasses with a sickle.
  • It is easy and a fun to walk to various spots in the field if I don't make long ridges
  • The field looks spacious when you are in it (It looks more larger in it than you look it from outside.)
  • The round field makes me comfortable and relaxed when I spend time in it (The round shape could well have such effects. The sun, the moon, and the globe are all round somehow.)
Anyway, it looks beautiful to me, and everyone who visits this field gets to like it.

Recently, carrots in my field bloomed. Farmers in Japan usually don't raise carrot's seeds for the next season, so visitors to my field often see carrot's flowers for the first time in their lives here. I hadn't had a chance to see them before I started to grow carrots myself.

I sowed seeds of various kinds of leaf vegetables from this Maï½’ch. I pick grasses which grow right next to the vegetables, and when they grow on the sides of the ridges I cut them with a sickle. I put the picked or sickled grasses on the ridges, which will be decomposed gradually and fertilize the soil.

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